We have moved…

•July 26, 2008 • Leave a Comment







Technical faults on the leftist journalism

•July 24, 2008 • Leave a Comment

A day after the judgment of the Strasbourg Court saying that Mr. Gómez de Liaño had not an independent and impartial judgment, the leftist journalism is saying that this is a technical fault on the judgment, and that, at the end, is a delinquent judge, insistint on that: of course, prevarication.

Well, there is clearly a default or a symptom on the leftists that is spread all over the Spanish society: only them are right. The conservatives are always wrong. Under that premise, everything that is against them, against their ideology, against their business (at least, this is all) is wrong and must be destroyed. They, the leftists, are the only ones who can teach the society (and thus the conservative) on how to solve all the problems, on what is social politics, human rights and all that list of nonsenses that are mentioned when the leftists do not have nothing useful to say. This is the so called moral supremacy of the leftists. The real leimotif of the left.

An idea that is false. And an argument is this: the conservative did, on all the last century, a huge reflection about the different anomalies of the right, such as Hitler, Franco, Mussolini… The leftists did not do anything about their anomalies: Pol Pot, Stalin, Fidel Castro. But their propaganda is better.

Back to the judgment: there is something ridiculous, not to say stupid, to insist on the mistake. The Strasbourg Court sentenced the Spanish government because the trial was not just. Neither impartial. So the judges were not partial. So the sentence is contaminated. So an impartial court surely did not condemned Mr. Gómez de Liaño to nothing, and surely allowed him to continue with the investigations in the denunciation against the Grupo Prisa.

It is cristal clear that there are technical faults on the leftist journalism. A cancer of words.

Europe amends the Spanish justice

•July 22, 2008 • 2 Comments

Mr. Javier Gómez de Liaño was a judge that was doing his job on the Audiencia Nacional, the special courts set in Spain to combat specific crimes such as corruption, drug traffic and others. Mr. Javier Gómez de Liaño was also, around 1.995, member of the Consejo General del Poder Judicial, the Council that governs the jugdes in Spain.

On 1.997, Mr. Javier Gómez de Liaño started investigating a possible appropiation of the deposits of the users of the pay TV in Spain, which belonged to the Grupo Prisa, a media group that comprises the radiostations SER and Los 40 principales, the newspaper El País and, of course, the TV channel Canal +. In front of this Grupo Prisa was Jesús Polanco. Jesús de Polanco was a business man who created all his fortune under Francisco Franco dictatorship, with companies such as Santillana, and contracts related to the books for the Spanish schools. After Francisco Franco’s death, Mr. Jesús de Polanco bet very loudly for the PSOE win, and since that established a relationship with this political party. It is not necessary to forget that, due to the leadership of the newspaper El País, Mr. Polanco had a very high power of influence, and the PSOE knew that, utilising this newspaper (and also the SER radiostation) on its propaganda efforts and actions.

Due to this relationship, Mr. Polanco obtained the license of Canal +, one of the three new TV channels, and the only channel that was under a model of pay-tv. More than that: taking advantage of the socialist influence, MR. Polanco buyed the first radiostation Antena-3, a unique situation in the world on which the second company bought the first one. A court pronounced a judgment indicating that this purchase needed to be undone (judgment not fulfilled neither by the different PSOEs governments nor by the PP governments).

On the investigation that was done by Mr. Javier Gómez de Liaño, Mr. Polanco and the Grupo Prisa used all its power not only to separate Mr. Gómez de Liaño of the case, but also to destroy him and his reputation. Under this, the Grupo Prisa accused the judge of prevarication. And they obtained. And the Supreme Court, with a majority of judges on that supreme court were leftists and so they were not impartian. And not only they dismiss the investigations of Mr. Gómez de Liaño; they condemned Mr. Gómez de Liaño for prevarication, preventing him for being a judge. One of the judges were Enrique Bacigalupo, an Argentinian leftist judge in Spain. Very strange, but let me remember that the PSOE created a new method for being a judge that allowed some “recognized prestige” people to become a judge without having to pass the usual examinations; a method that allowed leftist people to become judge with no experience on the Spanish laws and regulations. Other judge was Gregorio García Ancos, linked to the PSOE. And the third judge was José Manuel Martínez-Pereda, that expressed a opposite position of the two previous judges.

When Mr. Aznar become president of the Spanish government, Mr. Gómez de Liaño was reprieved, but after a great pressure of the PSOE and the leftists judges, encouraged, of course, by Mr. Polanco’s Grupo Prisa, he was not allowed to return to the Audiencia Nacional. Mr. Liaño then resigned and become an attorney. He also wrote some books, some of them regarding the justice, and some novels (La casa de los Momos is a beautiful book).

Now, the Court of Human Rights of Strasbourg sentenced today that he had not an impartial judgement, and condemned the Spanish government to pay him 5.000 euro as indemnification. Good news for Mr. Gómez de Liaño, an honest judge, an honest person. And bad news for the Spanish justice. It is important to remember that the Spanish Constitutional Court refused the protection to this person on this case.

This is a real sympton of the politicization and the rot of the Spanish justice. And now Mr. Zapatero wants to renew the Consejo General del Poder Judicial and the Supreme Court, and seems that Mr. Rajoy is willing to contribute to this.

Everything more rotten.


From here, I would like to express my deeper personal respect to D. Javier, and say to him, although I do not know him personally, that I am very glad about the news.

Civil rights in crisis? Who will pay it?

•July 21, 2008 • 1 Comment

In economic crisis times, the Spanish government is shocked. Inaction is the best word that describes the govern of Mr. Zapatero. Inaction and propaganda.

Mr. Zapatero’s economic measures are useless and the figures are proving that the crisis is deeper that expected. Today we know that the deficit has come to the Spanish accounts and this is only the last bad news. Deficit, unemployment, lack of money for financing (both on the public and on the private sector), bankruptcy of leader companies… This are the real consequences of the economic management of the Mr. Zapatero’s era. Consequences originated by the lack of action (and reaction) on the previous four years: no economic measure was taken on the first four years, and the socialist government lived and took profit of the heritage of the Aznar governments. There was no forecast, although all the indicators were pointing to the crisis. No forecast and action. Altough the “goosefeet” of the PP and famous economists wer saying that the crisis was coming.

Now, after the inaction, the propaganda of the socialists, Now they saying that, although there is an economic  crisis, the socialists are not resigning to go deeper on the “civil rights”. Nice, but… what are those civil rights? Because the civil rights on which the socialist government insisted on during the last years were the laicism, the gay marriage… But those do not costs too much money.

Today, Mr. Blanco, vice-general secretary of the PSOE; named the real civil rights the PSOE government is going to go deeper: scholarships, pensions. Mr. Blanco, at least, named them. The point here is..- who will pay it? Increasing the Spanish deficit is good, but there are limits, such as in any family economy. At the end, someone will pay it. More taxes, direct (VAT or IVA) or indirect (gasoline, tolls, etc.) Mr. Blanco not only need to say what are the “civil rights”; he need to explain who is going to pay them and how. That is: he have to resign doing propaganda and start explaining the Spanish society were the money will come to fund that rights.

Less propaganda and more action. And explanation. Mr. Blanco, “El ineto”, unfortunately, needs more evenings to study economics. As well as Mr. Zapatero.

“La pela es la pela” or the revolt of a “charnego”

•July 20, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Charnego, is Catalan slang, refers to a person who was not born in Catalonia, but lives in Catalonia for a long time. Do you know a “charnego”? José Montilla, the current president of the Catalonia Autonomic Region, is a “charnego”; he was born on Iznájar – Córdoba – Andalusia (by the way, a village with a Moorish origin name).

It is symptomatic that, usually, the worst nationalists in Spain were those who were born out of the nation they are claiming. A clear example is José Montilla: reviled by the nationalists (leftists such as ERC and conservative, such as CiU) for become the first “charnego” presiding the Catalonia Autonomic Region, and also reviled by the non-nationalists because of that. The problem with those worst nationalists are that they need to be more extremists to hide their “charnego” origin. It happens always.

There is a miser’s legend on the Catalans in Spain, identifying the Catalans as greedy and stingy. And Mr. Montilla, the leader of the PSC (the PSOE faction in Catalonia) is exceeding expectations as a bad “charnego”. “La pela es la pela”, as they used to say. This is not the problem.

The problem is that this collecting greed is a move to hide the Catalan situation, with a lot of companies fleeing from Catalonia to other countries or locations with a cheaper workforce, and with an increase of unemployment and lack of rights on the population. The problem that the claim for more independence, more funds and more differentiation is the only solution of the PSOE on Catalonia for not loosing the power and for fighting the other political forces (specially CiU) with the same arms. And if the PSOE only has the nationalists arms in Catalonia, who is defending Spain there?

The same happens in the Basque Autonomic Region with the PSOE. But the thing is… To whom do I have to believe? Do I have to believe the PSOE in Spain or in Catalonia? Do I have to believe the PSOE in Spain or in the Basque Autonomic Region, or in Galicia, or in the Balearic Islands? What is the real face of the PSOE?

The real face of the PSOE is… none. It does not have any face that the ones that can allow it to gain or retain the power. Is the face of Mr. Zapatero, a person untrustworthy, capable of betrat his best friends of his values (does he have some?) in order to continue being the Spanish president. President of what Spain?

The same speech, the same lack of talent

•July 19, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Saturday, 19th of July. After the judgement of the Spanish Supreme Court regarding the terrorists attakcs of 11-M in Madrid, the socialists, the PSOE leaders, are insisting on attacking the PP. I have listening today to Mr. Chaves (President of the PSOE) declarations saying that the PP “does not respect the Constitutional State” because is still adopting a position different that of the PSOE with regard to the 11-M terrorist attacks. Well… Maybe is the PSOE, maybe are the socialists, that in its governments used the GAL to combat ETA, that was a real botched job, maybe them can give to the PP lessons about respecting the Constitutional State. Maybe them, who violated the day of reflection (on which nobody can do politics) on 13-March (2.004), can give lessons to the PP about respecting the rules. Maybe them, who initiated the real civil war in 1.934, with the october attempt of a coup d’état, together with the leftists and the nationalists. So, before talking about this, Mr. Chaves would better to take account of the different problems of Andalusia, the Autonomic Region he governs, and take it, indeed and not in a propaganda sense, to the forefront of the economic growth and the progress, and not to turn it into a farmhouse of subsidies and favors.

The attacks of the PSOE to the PP regarding this judgement are a clear attempt of hide the truth. While Mr. Zapatero called to the Spanish media on the 11-M, on 2.004, saying that there was not ETA, but the islamists nd Al-Qaeda, the Supreme Court said, specifically, that there is no evidence of Al-Qaeda involvement on those attacks. Who is lying? Who has something to hide? Clearly, the socialists.

More… Mrs. Pajín, the new Organization Secretary of the PSOE, did some declarations today very in agreement with her thirty and so springs. She said today that the recipe to confront the Spanish economic crisis is to be together with retired and scholars. Well, the first joke to come to my mind is with regard to the hate the socialists are having against Mr. Bush; that is maybe because they like the scholars, because they have nostalgia of Mr. Clinton… Now, more seriously, those words, as usual on the leftists, and more in particular on the PSOE leaders, are a lie. Let me give an example: the only economic measure of Mr. Zapatero was to give 400 euro to the Spanish workers… that have an income higher that a specific level, and that measure is not applicable specifically to retired and scholars. Mrs. Pajín… Who are you trying to cheat?

Also, Mr. Pajín, in the summit of her lack of talent, said that what the PSOE is not going to do is to cut rights to the Spanish. Who did it before on Spain? Please, specify, and do not speak on a very general way. Who did it? I would take you as liar or cunning while you do not specify where and when, and who, did it before.

What we are seeing is a clear attempt of turn the attention aside to the Spanish economic crisis with the same ghosts of ever (Mr. Chaves), and with empty words (Mrs. Pajín). With the same speech. But with the same lack of talent. Talent and mien. Liars.

And now… what?

•July 17, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Today was made public the judgement of the Supreme Court regarding the trial of the terrorists attacks on Madrid, on 11-M (eleventh of March). The importance of that judgement is huge, althought everyone tells the story according to their interests.

The vice-president of the Spanish government, Mrs. De la Vega, praised today judgement and also the serious and conscientious process of instruction carried out. Well, interesting. In its judgement, the Supreme Court criticizes critical aspects for the investigations, such as the scrapping of the trains. Also, the judgement absolves some of the initially condemned by the first court. Where are the seriousness and conscientiousness when critical proofs on the investigation are allowed to be destroyed, or when the Supreme Court has to absolve some of the initially condemned?

The judgement leaves with no author of the attacks. None. Who did it? Who organized it? It is stupid to think that four or five people (some of them, according with witnesses, were seen in the same time in different locations), that are dead, are the real authors of the attacks. It is like condemning to someone that cannot defend himself.

It is only to look to the digital leftist newspaper to understand that they, as the Spanish government, want to close this affair as soon as possible. The “conspiration theory” is ended, and also the “crime union”, according to Mr. Ibarra, former president of the Extremadura Autonomic Region, has been defeated and ended by Mr. Rajoy. But not the truth. The leftists, the socialists, and the related judges and media, can say whatever they want to say, but the wounds on the victims are still opened, and this judgement, as can be seen, does not heal them. It is a clear attempt to bury with sleepy sand something that is in the Spanish history.

Well… Now what? Is this all? Is this all that you, socialists, leftists, related judges and media can offer to the Spanish society with regard to the 11-M attacks? This is all? Who really did it? Who really organized it? Who really helped who did it?

This is all, the same of the boric acid? Is this all? If this is all, it is so poor!… It is the same that saying that the boric acid is used to kill cockroaches (Mr. José Blanco’s blog). Well, the boric acid is also used to eliminate the smell of the feet. It is this you want to eliminate, the smell of the feet? The feet of whom? Of those who were killed that day? Or are you referring to others? Or… maybe… are you calling cockroaches to someone specifically? Please specify.

Liar. Untrustworthy. Socialist. Zapatero.

•July 15, 2008 • Leave a Comment

The press media this weekend related the story of Martinsa-Fadesa, a real estate promotion big company, with a large tradition on developments not only in Spain but also in the rest of the world (Europe, Africa, Central American). The story is about the debt of the company, which needed to be refinanced and thus was renegotiated with the banks and the creditors. The story is about a conversation between Mr. Martín, president of the company, and Mr. Zapatero, president of the Spanish government.

The conversation took place before the March elections. Supposedly, Mr. Zapatero promised a credit of the ICO, the Spanish agency for financing projects, a credit that now has been refused by the institution (the decission was taken at the top level, which means the government). Apparently, was Mr. Zapatero did not wanted to have a bankruptcy of a big company, specially from the construction sector, before the elections. And so he promised the credit. Now the situation is that Martinsa-Fadesa has to go to a “creditor’s contest” (situation similar to the bankruptcy), because the credit from the ICO was refused.

This is not the first sign of the value of the word of the Spanish president. Mr. Zapatero do not honor what he say. In fact, Mr. Zapatero acts always on his own advantage, and what he say today can be (in fact is) different what he will say tomorrow. This is something that anybody who meets him knows. What is the purpose of meeting with him if, at the exit, you can be stabbed on the back like a traitor?

Mr. Zapatero lied before when he said that he did not negotiated with the terrorist band ETA. And worst, he rectified on a newspaper, not on the Spanish Congress. Mr. Zapatero lies all the time: saying that there is no crisis, and there is an economic crisis. His word worths nothing. His untrustworthy. He is a liar. He is socialist. Synonymous?

Another “Black legend” in Spain

•July 14, 2008 • Leave a Comment

If I have to say what two prominent figures of the last century, in Spain, are the most hated by the socialists, I would say, without being wrong, Francisco Franco and José María Aznar.

I would not say anything now about Francisco Franco, other that he defeated the socialists, comunists and other political forces twice on the last century. First on 1.934, and second on 1.939. That explains everything about the hate the socialists drop him. The other person is Don José María Aznar.

I assume there is a continuous attempt on the leftists to distort the reality about the eight years Mr. Aznar was governing Spain. And, like on the times of Philip II in Spain, they are spreading around another Black legend. The original Black legend was due to the protestants and the British, with the purpose of ridicule the Spanish king and, thus, the Spanish army, and also to enhance the morale of their people. And he did have effect, specially in the Spanish people, as a sign of loneliness in the fight (enlarged by the perfidy of some Catholic kingdoms such as France). The effect on the Spanish people was a clear dip in the Catholic values, and effect of loneliness in the world, and a regression to the inner morale.

The new black legend is now supported by the socialists, and with the help of the comunists, and is based, as the first Black legend, on a lie that, as I use to say, repeated thousand of times, tries to be true, but it is a lie. This new black legend is based on the idea that the Aznar era on Spain was an era of regression on the Spanish values, a continuous attack to the freedom, and also a clear and continuous violation of the world statu quo. This, combined with the new idea that the socialists managed well the Spanish economy and that they left the full pantry and the PP governments took profit of the situation, tries to hide the reality of the Aznar era on Spain.

But let me first fo to the beginning, and the arrival to Mr. Aznar to lead the Spanish government. The situation, regarding the economy, was so disastrous that the Maastricth requirements to join the Euro were not fulfilled. The Aznar government had to ask for a credit to pay the salaries of the public workers. On the political side, the socialists were known because the different corruptions affairs that appeared on that period; even the comunists, lead by Mr. Anguita, denounced the situation day after day. Affairs such as Mr. Roldán, the director of the Guardia Civil (Spanish federal police) impacted on the socialists fame, not to say the honor. Regarding the status of Spain on the world, Spain had a good status, but always linked to or aligned to countries such as France and Germany; the reputation of Spain was because of that, and no much initiatives were known to the Spanish government as its own.

Mr. Aznar, on the economic, was successful and met the Maastritch requirements, surprisingly, even for the European countries. How much corruption scandals are know on the Aznar era? And how much in comparison with the socialist government? On the global politics, Mr. Aznar played an independent role, situating Spain as a reference country on the European Union and also on other forums in the world. No doubt Mr. Aznar conceived and had a good relationthip with United States; his relationship with George Bush is blamed by the leftists in Spain, but the “Azores picture”, on which Mr. Aznar was with Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair, was the summit of recognition of Spain as an important player on the world.

The new black legend tries to put Mr. Aznar on the edge. The leftists hate Mr. Bush and the Americans (althought they use to buy and consume American products), and so they put Mr. Aznar on the same position. Mr. Aznar is blamed because of this relationship, but I like to see the Spanish president on the higher decission forums, and not waiting to be greet by the American president, asking for a nice picture. I like Mr. Aznar taking decissions and risks: the Spanish support to the Irak war was a good decission, nothing to repent. The leftists are saying about a violation of the legality. But… Legality? What legality? What legality can one have on the Security Council of the United Nations when the countries are defending their own interests? The decission of supporting the Irak war was, from my point of view, the clear consequence of the right politic direction.

Mr. Aznar and his governments managed well difficult issues such as the sink of the Prestige. The decission, althought what is said by the leftists, was taken according with the opinion of the experts. And, after the problem, the economic help was put on place quickly, and experts of Spanish universities are indicating that the sea environment is recovered. Such a dilligence has not been seen on socialists governments.

The new black legend is based on the leftist propaganda, spread by the socialists, that does not forgive Mr. Aznar that him defeated them on the elections, and by the comunists. Waving the flag of “social rights” (rights for small groups of people), and distorting the reality, the leftists want to destroy the reputation of the right, the conservative, as good managers. They are not right. But the problem is not that: the problem is that the Spanish people will believe. This is something that should be attacked from a historical perspective, and without delay. The survival of the conservatives is in danger.

Lack of courage

•July 11, 2008 • Leave a Comment

The new economic data left the Spanish government on a state of shock, and, worse, without reaction. The yearly data of the inflation is 5%, a figure almost unkown (or forgotten) for the Spanish. Simiar figures were from 1,995.

The Spanish government, as I said here and on the other blog, confronts this new reality with an attempt of deviating the focus. On the last PSOE Federal Congress, last week-end, Mr. Zapatero opted to open another confrontation on the Spanish society: more laicism, more euthanasia, more abortion… As I said, this is the recipe of Mr. Zapatero to fight the economic crisis.

It can be true that a portion of the inflation is due to external factors. The price of the oil is rising, yes. And Mr. Zapatero has nothing to do with it. And, there is clearly an increase of the price of the raw materials, specially associated with the agriculture, and … Mr. Zapatero… yes, has something to do with it. Why? Because the increase of the raw materials (wheat, etc.) is associated with several factors, including the promotion of the so called “alternative energies”. And Mr. Zapatero’s politic about energy is a clear disaster, promoting that he wants to call “clean energies”, but more expensive that, for instance, nuclear energy and, on the other hand, with a clear impact on the inflation.

The Spanish government has a lot ot things to do to confront the economic crisis, and the first step is to assume it. But there are measures that will help to clean the table and to begin to think. Re-doing the Spanish budget, correcting variables such as the forecast of the gowth of the GDP, the price of the oil and other linked factors will help to understand clearly the impact on the public accountability. From then, it is necessary to approach reforms that allow Spain to focus on the right things: increasing the productivity, decrease the lack of confidence on the Spanish bank system, increase the confidence of the consumers, and, definitively, change the model of growth, the pillars, of the Spanish economy. But this is something that requires courage, sacrifice and push. And Mr. Zapatero, unfortunately, does not have this.